Driving to the mission instead of flying is both good and bad. It is an opportunity to see new country, but of course takes longer to get there. Space for clothes and personal items is not as limited, but this is what happens.
(Potential trunk capacity commercial for Honda Accord) |
It's felt kind of like driving a storage unit around.
Leaving the MTC in January to drive to Alabama meant that we were keeping a close eye on weather. There was some concern because of snow in the forecast for the Wasatch Front and severe thunderstorm and tornado activity in the southern states, but we managed to get away in between snowfall in Utah and were able to plan our arrival in Alabama after the high winds and heavy rains had abated.
Our main concern with snow was getting over Soldier Summit between Spanish Fork and Price, Utah.
Soldier Summit |
It wasn't bad as winter driving in Utah goes, but we were indeed grateful that it was daylight and with no snow falling. We were also fortunate that there was not a lot of traffic. By the time we hit Price the snow was gone from the roadway, but we did see snow to the side of the road well into New Mexico.
Speaking of New Mexico, we found a most unusual rest stop there. It actually asked for our approval.
A straight yes or no answer was not easy. There were some negatives.
On the one hand it is good to be warned of danger, but on the other hand - SNAKES!?!
For us though, the deciding factor was the area to rest our horses. How amazing is that? It was good as long as we watched for snakes.
Travel through New Mexico and West Texas was mostly uneventful except for about 2 or 3 seconds on the left shoulder at 70 miles an hour just west of Albuquerque when a car tried to come into our lane without looking first. We had closer brushes with other vehicles in the Philippines, but at much slower speeds. Thankfully, there was a shoulder to drive on until the right of way issue was sorted out and the rest of the driving was pretty uneventful.
Our route took us right through the Dallas area and provided an opportunity to make a pit stop with our son, Brian, and his family, We were there just in time to take our granddaughter, Avery, to her indoor soccer game.
There was also a chance to play tennis with Avery and Kason. They are both better than Grandpa - but that's because they have that little extra edge called 'running'.
We had an extra day before our apartment would be ready in Alabama so were able to stay with them two nights. It was a very nice break in a long drive. We treasure the opportunities we have to be with family and are thankful for the promise of eternal family relationships.
While driving through western Alabama we passed a road sign that shows there are at least two ways to spell Utah.
(Hint: Not Aliceville) |
Roughly 1,900 miles of driving brought us to Fultondale, Alabama on Wednesday, January 15. We were able to do the final paperwork, get the keys to our apartment and move in in under an hour.
On Thursday we were invited to attend the Birmingham Zone Conference where we received a lot of good instruction. President Allred communicated a very clear vision for directing the missionary work here.
President Allred choosing which voices to listen to. |
We had time after the meeting to get with President Allred and the two office Elders (Elder Savage and Elder Abbot) to find out about our particular assignment in the mission.
It will take some time to get our feet under us, but, in a nut shell, our assignment has to do with helping insure that every missionary is able to attend the Birmingham Temple once each transfer - that is every six weeks. President Allred would like our mission to link arms with Stake Presidents and the Temple Presidency to move the work forward. It is #onework.
Alabama Birmingham Temple |
We were able to jump right in on Friday when we joined missionaries from the Talladega and Gadsden districts for a temple session. Already we have experienced some tender mercies.
Talladega and Gadsden District Missionaries |
Onward now, and hopefully upward. We would like to end this week by letting our family back home know that we found a new car. And, yes, it was Grandma's idea.